Lake Country Council Approves Rezoning for Mixed-Use Rental Building on Woodsdale Rd.

Lake Country Council Approves Rezoning for Mixed-Use Rental Building on Woodsdale Rd.
October 11, 2024

The District of Lake Country Council has voted to rezone a property at 3223 Woodsdale Rd., paving the way for a new mixed-use development with rental housing. The decision comes after a staff report recommended the change to better align with the District's Official Community Plan (OCP).

Property Details and Rezoning Implications

  • The subject property, currently occupied by Home Hardware, will undergo a zoning change from C10 - Service Commercial to C1 - Town Centre Commercial.
  • This new zoning aligns with the OCP's designation of "Mixed Use Commercial" for the area.
  • Mixed-use developments typically feature commercial spaces on the ground floor with residential units on the upper floors.

Report Highlights

  • A staff report presented to the Council noted that the C1 zoning would allow for buildings up to six storeys.
  • No specific details regarding the proposed building design or number of stories were included in the report.
  • To secure rental housing, the District will require the developer to enter into a covenant ensuring at least 10 years of rental use on the property.
  • Additionally, a covenant restricting residential use on the property, established in 2009, will be removed to facilitate the mixed-use development.

Council Vote and Discussion

  • The rezoning proposal faced some opposition from Councillors Cara Reid and Heather Irvine, who raised concerns about the development's potential impact on traffic and density in the Woodsdale neighbourhood.
  • Councillor Tricia Brett expressed reservations but ultimately voted in favour of the proposal.

Looking Forward

  • This rezoning marks a shift towards mixed-use development in the Woodsdale neighbourhood.
  • The 10-year commitment to rental housing on the property is intended to address the growing need for rental options in the area.
  • With the zoning amendment approved, the next steps will involve the developer submitting a development permit application with specific details about the proposed building. This application will likely include the number of stories, the commercial space allocation, and the design of the residential units.

SourcesDistrict of Lake Country - Report to Council

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Lake Country Council Approves Rezoning for Mixed-Use Rental Building on Woodsdale Rd.

The District of Lake Country Council has voted to rezone a property at 3223 Woodsdale Rd., paving the way for a new mixed-use development with rental housing. The decision comes after a staff report recommended the change to better align with the District's Official Community Plan (OCP).

Property Details and Rezoning Implications

  • The subject property, currently occupied by Home Hardware, will undergo a zoning change from C10 - Service Commercial to C1 - Town Centre Commercial.
  • This new zoning aligns with the OCP's designation of "Mixed Use Commercial" for the area.
  • Mixed-use developments typically feature commercial spaces on the ground floor with residential units on the upper floors.

Report Highlights

  • A staff report presented to the Council noted that the C1 zoning would allow for buildings up to six storeys.
  • No specific details regarding the proposed building design or number of stories were included in the report.
  • To secure rental housing, the District will require the developer to enter into a covenant ensuring at least 10 years of rental use on the property.
  • Additionally, a covenant restricting residential use on the property, established in 2009, will be removed to facilitate the mixed-use development.

Council Vote and Discussion

  • The rezoning proposal faced some opposition from Councillors Cara Reid and Heather Irvine, who raised concerns about the development's potential impact on traffic and density in the Woodsdale neighbourhood.
  • Councillor Tricia Brett expressed reservations but ultimately voted in favour of the proposal.

Looking Forward

  • This rezoning marks a shift towards mixed-use development in the Woodsdale neighbourhood.
  • The 10-year commitment to rental housing on the property is intended to address the growing need for rental options in the area.
  • With the zoning amendment approved, the next steps will involve the developer submitting a development permit application with specific details about the proposed building. This application will likely include the number of stories, the commercial space allocation, and the design of the residential units.

SourcesDistrict of Lake Country - Report to Council